What is a Blog ?
In general, a blog about a particular topic. These items are commonly referred to as a list with brief descriptions of the articles in chronological order the last item displayed at the top. The reader will be summarized and click to read the full article.
Blogs can be used as a traditional looking website where the content is provided by a specified network fashion. These days, there is a huge difference between a blog and a static page - can be on modern blog as a blog, static website, or both. It is really up to you.
Most blogs focus on a particular topic, such as sports, fashion, beauty, or home improvement. Some blogs are very broad and cover topics such as local news and current affairs programs. They can also be more personal, such as news, or your life history. Blogs can also be used to promote and sell a variety of goods and services, such as online shopping, business lead generation for advice, and even on the Internet, the education of all kinds.
What is Blogging?
Basically, there are three things that bloggers on a daily basis
1. Write Thing
2. to share what they have written with other
3. Making money on the things they wrote
Yes it is a bit simplistic, but it is in a nutshell blogging. If you are able, these three things over and over, you are a blogger.
Why Start a Blog.
Starting a blog can be a good way to long-term profits or promote an existing one. Maybe you just want to share your story ... blog is a great way to do it. In fact, a blog is simply the best, fastest and easiest way to create your own character online.
That's a big difference between making money online and going to work every day. If done well, your work today, this week, and this year - will continue to make money for years to come. This is an investment and not trading time for money.
Although we can not guarantee your success or how much money you make - as one of you, and solely depends on your efforts - which we did (Dan and I went on our company and the jobs are now do it full time) and you are willing to work for it. The good news is that you have to use what we've learned in recent years care and avoiding sand traps that we had to dig our way.